Men’s Masterclass

No one taught
us how to Be a man

It takes an incredible amount of work, and time, and money, and guidance to truly become a man. And even then, stubborn parts of the inner child still remain intact for years to come.

There are far too few straightforward approaches and understandings on what it takes to be in healthy relationship with Woman, with our work, with reality.

Our sex is highly distorted – that is the basis of it all. And this distortion fans out into every aspect of life. 

One of my teachers says “Relationships are for enlightened people” and I can’t help but agree with that. The level of consciousness it requires to recognize and have space for the experience of the other is tremendous. There is no way to see the other when our own unprocessed emotions and childhood programs remain intact.

I (Joshua) often tell my partner, there is no way I could have an honest and healthy relationship with her if I had no psychic abilities. I have to hear what she is saying beyond her words constantly.

And so together we will burn them away, because that is the work. It takes finesse. it is not easy. It takes the right approach at the right time, by the right man.

This is not for everyone. This is mostly focused on relationships. And this is going to touch your deepest insecurities so that you may get “under” them into the stillness that you truly are.

Of course we’ll share laughs and we’ll share stories, but this is not about having a good time. This is going into the trenches together and being held to the fire. There will be no coddling or enabling of avoidance strategies.

We will be bringing in regular guest teachers to present various perspectives and approaches.

Please utilize the resources below and come to the group prepared. The cost is nominal at $25/session to ensure access for anyone interested. (No one turned away for lack of funds if you want to do the Work!)

I am the curator and will facilitate some of the classes, and we will also have other guest teachers facilitating their own masterclasses so you get access to a variety of voices and perspectives.

This is the Men’s Masterclass. We meet for 2 hours every Monday evening at 6pm PST/ 7PM MST.

Thank you!

Joshua Edjida

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Important Resources